2012 Biloxi, Mississippi

2012 National Rural ITS Conference
September 17-19, 2012
Hosted by the Gulf Region ITS Chapter in Biloxi, MS
- Adaptive Traffic Signal Control (presentation unavailable)
The Alabama Experience (presentation) - Adaptive Signal Control, Is It Right for My Agency? (presentation)
- Augmented Speed Enforcement (aSE) Smart Drums (sDrums) from a Technical Perspective, Part 2 – Deployment (abstract) (presentation)
- Connected Vehicle Dynamic Mobility Applications for INFLO (abstract) (presentation)
- Developing Consistency in ITS Safety Solutions – Intersection Conflict Warning Systems Phase 2 (abstract) (presentation)
- Development of Travel Time for Rural Interstate During Construction on I-35 (abstract) (presentation)
- Estimated Economic Impacts of Hurricane Katrina on Transportation Systems in Mississippi (abstract) (presentation)
- Evaluation of a Truck Priority System (abstract) (presentation)
- Fiber Optic Stimulus Project + Rural ITS Tools = Benefits for the North Georgia Mountains (abstract) (presentation)
- Implementing Urgency and Probability of Injury Algorithms (CARS-Mayday) (abstract) (presentation)
- Implosion Exposition:
Using ITS to Facilitate Temporary Traffic Control Management (presentation) - Incident Detection and Data Collection (presentation)
- Innovative Maintenance Strategies to Improve ITS Financing Capabilities (presentation)
- Intelligent Work Zones
– Traffic Management Plans (TMP) (presentation) - ITS Technologies for CVO Efficiency (presentation)
- Managing Oversize/Overweight Load Movements in Texas (abstract) (presentation)
- Mississippi River Bridges ITS Tiger III Project Incident Management, Freight Management and Security Project (abstract) (presentation)
- Moving Forward with New Technologies (presentation)
- Multi-agency Coordination for Direct Storm Management with Limited Resources (abstract) (presentation)
- Next Generation Mobility Management in Connected Vehicle Environment (abstract) (presentation)
- Responding to Natural Disasters – Lessons Learned (presentation)
- Road Condition Signs – Automation (abstract) (presentation)
- Road Weather Management Best Practices Library, Version 3.0 (abstract) (presentation)
- Rural Applications of Adaptive Traffic Signal Control (abstract) (presentation)
- Smart Work Zones… the use of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) for Work Zone traffic management (presentation)
- Strategies and Outlook for ITS Financing (presentation)
- T2 Analytics (presentation)
- The Next Era of Traveler Information (abstract) (presentation)
- The WSRTC – An Implementers Pooled Fund to Tackle the Challenges of Rural ITS (abstract) (presentation)
- Use of Mobile Sensors and Maintenance Decision Support for Automated Road Condition Reporting (abstract) (presentation)
- Use of RWIS for Rural Transportation Operations: Bringing Maintenance Operations Together in a Rural Setting (abstract) (presentation)
- Wavetronix Smart Sensor Matrix (presentation)
- Wireless Networks to Communicate with ITS Devices (presentation)
- Work Zone Accident Reduction Deployment (abstract) (presentation)
* Presentation files are no longer available. If you are interested archive content from the 2012 conference, please contact Douglas Noble (dnoble@ite.org)