The National Rural Intelligent Transportation Systems (NRITS) Steering Committee provides guidance on issues related to transportation technology applications to small communities and rural areas.  The NRITS Steering Committee mission is advanced by operating through resources provided by the US Department of Transportation (US DOT) and in compliance with US DOT regulations, policies and specified contract provisions. The NRITS Steering Committee is facilitated and administered by the Institute of Transportation Engineers as Program Manager to provide input to the US DOT Intelligent Transportation System Joint Program Office (ITS JPO).

Mission: In concert with the US DOT ITS JPO, NRITS Steering Committee’s mission is to assist the rural transportation community in addressing transportation-related issues affecting non- urbanized areas to improve opportunities for travelers to make complete trips.

Vision: Traveler’s complete trips are integrated and enabled through the use of ITS and transportation technology in rural areas and small communities.

Goals: Through input to US DOT ITS JPO, the NRITS Steering Committee is dedicated to assisting the rural transportation community in addressing transportation-related issues affecting non-urbanized areas to improve opportunities for travelers to make complete trips. To these ends, the NRITS Steering Committee has shaped a Strategic Plan with the following goals and supporting objectives:

  • Goal 1 – Establish Rural ITS Strategic Plan incorporating Annual Work Plan and Outreach Plan.
  • Goal 2 – Prepare content for Case Studies in rural ITS for distribution to stakeholders.
  • Goal 3 – Prepare content for webinars and workshops on key topics of interest in rural ITS to target stakeholder audiences.
  • Goal 4 – Identify session topics and speakers encouraging attendance leading to successful NRITS conference each year.
  • Goal 5 – Advocate for the implementation of rural programs that leverage ITS technologies.

The NRITS Steering Committee is governed by a set of by-laws.

The NRITS Steering Committee has developed a number of white papers and webinars on various topics:

  • Rural ITS in Multi-State Corridor Coalitions (White Paper | Webinar)